After the crash in Minnesota, the American Automobile Association, AAA, contacted me about doing a piece about my crash and how they helped out. It was just published in the July/August issue of the AAA Magazine. I’m not certain it is nationwide, it may be in just the Southern AAA Magazine.
Here is a copy of the article:
Author: Dennis Blanchard
Dennis Blanchard was born in Bristol, Connecticut. He and his wife Jane moved to New Hampshire in 1980 where he has climbed thirty 4000-foot mountains, biked the trails and enjoyed the wilderness. Never living very far from the Appalachian Trail, Dennis was always aware of the seductive siren’s call to hike it. Dennis is an electronics engineer who has freelanced for amateur radio, technical and motorcycle adventure magazines. He now lives in Sarasota, Florida.
View all posts by Dennis Blanchard
yep…saw the article. Nicely done and I’m happy to say I’m a member too. This Sunday I’m leaving to ride RAGBRAI.
Hey Dennis. Nice piece. I didn’t know AAA did bicycles either until now. I get the Northern New England edition of the magazine and this isn’t in it. Are you planning on picking up the ride where you were forced to drop it? All the best…